
Our producer: Domaine Bachelet-Monnot

The Domaine Bachelet-Monnot is based in a typical Burgundian village in Dezize les Maranges, less than 8 km southwest of Chassagne-Montachet on the Cote d'Or.

The still young domaine was found in January 2005 by the dedicated wine brothers Marc and Alexandre Bachelet. They inherited their passion for wine and their entrepreneurial spirit from their grandfather Bernard and their father Jean Francois.

After 7 years studying oenology and numerous experiences with French winegrowers and abroad, they now cultivate 20 hectares of vineyards divided into

1 ha grand cru locations / 12 ha premier cru locations / 7 ha village locations

in the communes of Puligny-Montrachet, Santenay, Saint Aubin, Meursault, Maranges and Dezize les Maranges. A great wine can only succeed with the use of the unique richness of the terroir, with thorough tillage and constant observation of the vines in order to optimize natural resources. The vines are processed without pesticides or other chemical agents and the soil is regularly aerated. The first reduction in yield begins when the bud formation is stopped. The average age of the red vines is 50 years and for the white ones the age is 40 years The harvest takes place manually and in several reading processes. Pneumatic slow pressure with low pressure to ensure the best possible extraction of the juice. The aging in barrels usually varies between 12 and 18 months. The philosophy of the two is to produce wines with great depth and a well-structured minerality.

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